
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

PhD in Business Administration

Commerce supplementary application

Applicants can answer these questions in either numerical order or in essay format.

  • Give your full name and proposed area of specialization.
  • Please list any academic awards, achievements, honours or other distinctions you have received.
  • Please state your professional work experience including the company [name], employment dates, and position.
  • What research topics interest you? How has your prior academic training and/or work experience influenced your research interests?
  • State your career plans. Describe how a PhD Program fits into these plans.
  • Give a candid appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses with special reference to the qualities that will contribute to success in a doctoral program.
  • Why do you wish to study at UBC? What other schools are you applying to?
  • Please provide any other information which you think would be helpful in assessing your capabilities and motivation to do independent research at the doctoral level.

Please submit to: 

PhD Program
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Sauder School of Business 
University of British Columbia
137-2053 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC

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