
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Tim Silk

Tim Silk

BBA (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (Florida)
Associate Professor of Teaching, Marketing and Behavioural Science Division

Selected publications

  • Pechmann, C. and Silk, T.G. (2013), Policy and Research Related to Consumer Rebates: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 32 (2), 255-270. (authors contributed equally)
  • Cohen, Joel B., Julia Belyavsky, and Tim Silk (2008), "Using Visualization to Alter the Balance Between Desirability and Feasibility During Choice," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18, 270-275.
  • Janiszewski, Chris, Tim Silk, and Alan D. J. Cooke (2003), "Different Scales for Different Frames: The Role of Subjective Scales and Experience in Explaining Attribute Framing Effects," Journal of Consumer Research, 30, 311-325 (lead article).

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