
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Tim Huh

Tim Huh

B.A., B.Math, M.Math (University of Waterloo), M.A. (Regent College), M.S., Ph.D. (Cornell University)
Professor and Chair, Operations and Logistics Division
Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management
Canada Research Chair in Operations Excellence and Business Analytics

Selected publications

  • Piri, H., Huh, W.T., Shechter, S., Hudson, D. (forthcoming) Individualized Dynamic Patient Monitoring Under Alarm Fatigue. Operations Research.
  • Lin, M, Huh, W.T. Krishnan, H., Uichanco, J.(2022) Data-Driven Newsvendor Problem: Performance of the Sample Average Approximation. Operations Research. 70(4): 1996–2012.
  • Huh, W.T., Li, H. (2022) Optimal Pricing under Multiple-Discrete Customer Choices and Diminishing Return of Consumption. Operations Research 70(2):905-917.
  • Shen, X., Yu, Y., Huh, W.T. (2022). A Permutation-Dependent Separability Approach for Capacitated Two-Echelon Inventory Systems. Operations Research. 70(4): 1953–1968.
  • Oh, J., Huh, W.T. (2022) Hidden-City Travel and Its Impact on Airfare: The Case with Competing Airlines. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 156:101-109.

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