
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Sanghoon Lee

Sanghoon Lee

Sanghoon Lee

BA (Seoul Nat'l), PhD (Minnesota)
Associate Professor, Strategy and Business Economics

Selected publications

  • Lee, S., Lee, J.(forthcoming)  "Natural Amenities, Neighborhood Dynamics, and Persistence in the Spatial Distribution of Income" Review Economic Studies
  • Holmes, T., Hsu, W., Lee, S. (2014) "Allocative Efficiency, Mark-ups, and the Welfare Gains from Trade", Journal of International Economics, 94(2), November 2014, pp.195-206
  • Lee, S., Li, !. (2013) "Uneven Landscapes and the City Size Distributions"  Journal of Urban Economics, 78, 19-29
  • Lee, S.,Ries, J., Somerville, T., (2013) "Repairs under Imperfect Information", Journal of Urban Economics 73(1), 43-56
  • Holmes, T., Lee, S., (2012) "Economies of Density versus Natural Advantage; Crop Choice on the Back Forty" Review of Economics and Statistics., 94(1), 1-19, Lead article

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