
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Ron Giammarino

Ron Giammarino

Ron Giammarino

BA (St. Francis Xavier), MA PhD (Queen's)
PHN Professor in Corporate Finance
Director, Phillips, Hager & North Centre for Financial Research
Professor, Finance Division

Selected publications

  • L. Garlappi, R. Giammarino, and A. Lazrak, “Group Managed Real Options”, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
  • L. Garlappi, R. Giammarino, and A. Lazrak, “Ambiguity and the Corporation: Group Disagreement and Underinvestment”, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 125, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages 417-433.
  • M. Carlson, E. Dockner, A. Fisher, and R. Giammarino, “Leaders, Followers, and Risk Dynamics in Industry Equilibrium”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, April, 2014.
  • M. Carlson, A. Fisher, and R. Giammarino, “SEO’s Real Options, and Risk Dynamics: Empirical Evidence” Review of Financial Studies, December 2010
  • M. Carlson, A. Fisher, and R. Giammarino, “Corporate Investment and Asset Price Dynamics: Implications for SEO Event Studies and Long Run Performance, Journal of Finance June 2006.

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