
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Peter Nemetz

Peter Nemetz

Peter Nemetz

BA (British Columbia), AM PhD (Harvard)
Professor Emeritus, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • The Economics and Business of Sustainability, Routledge, 2021.
  • Unsustainable World: Are We Losing the Battle to Save the Planet?, Routledge, 2022, forthcoming.
  • Philippe Tortell, Margot Young and Peter Nemetz (ed.) Reflections of Canada..  Illuminating our Opportunities and Challenges at 150+ years, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, June 2017.
  • Peter Nemetz, "Reconstructing the Sustainability Narrative: Separating Myth from Reality," Chapter 2 in Sustainability: Key Issues, Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet (eds.) Routledge,2015, published. 
  • Peter N. Nemetz, Carin Y. Smith, Kent R. Bailey, Jane A. Emerson, Veronique L. Roger, William D. Edwards, Cynthia L. Leibson, "Successes and Challenges in the Battle Against Coronary Artery Disease: A Tale of Two Population Subgroups," American Journal of Medicine,on-line version published November 2015; print version will appear April 2016.
  • Peter N Nemetz, Business and the Sustainability Challenge: An Integrated Approach, Routledge, August 2013
  • Peter N.Nemetz (ed.) Sustainable Resource Management: Reality or Illusion? Edward Elgar, April 2007

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