
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Mahesh Nagarajan

Mahesh Nagarajan

Mahesh Nagarajan

PhD (U.S.C.)
Senior Associate Dean, Research
Professor, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • M. Nagarajan, Sosic, G., Tong, C. Stable Supplier Coalitions in Assembly Systems with Commodity Components. Operations Research.
  • S. Bansal, M. Nagarajan. Competitive Newsvendors. A Monge Sequence based Approach to Characterize the Competitive Newsvendor Problem. Operations Research.
  • Ding, Y., E. Park, M. Nagarajan, E. Grafstein. Patient Prioritization in Emergency Department Triage Systems: An Empirical Study of Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS).  M&SOM.
  • S. Carew, M. Nagarajan, S. Shechter, J. Arneja, E. Skarsgard. Dynamic capacity allocation for elective surgeries: reducing urgency-weighted wait times. M&SOM.
  • Y. Ding, T. McCormick, M. Nagarajan. A Fluid Model for an Overloaded Bipartite Queuing System with Scoring-Based Priority Rules. Forthcoming in Operations Research.

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