
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Julia Yan


Julia Yan

BA (Princeton University), PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Assistant Professor, Operations and Logistics

Selected publications

  • Barnhart, C., Bertsimas, D., Delarue, J., Yan, J. (forthcoming) Course scheduling under sudden scarcity: Applications to pandemic planning. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
  • Bertsimas, D., Ng, Y.S., Yan, J. (2021). Data-driven transit network design at scale. Operations Research.
  • Bertsimas, D., Ng, Y.S., Yan, J. (2020). Joint frequency-setting and pricing optimization for multi-modal transit networks at scale. Transportation Science 54(3), 839-853.
  • Bertsimas, D., Yan, J. (2018). From physical properties of transportation flows to demand estimation: An optimization approach. Transportation Science 52(4), 1002-1011.

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