
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Christopher Thomas Ryan

Chris Ryan

Christopher Thomas Ryan

BA, Mathematics (UBC)
Associate Professor, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected Publications

  • Incentivized actions in freemium games (with Lifei Sheng, Mahesh Nagarajan, Y. Cheng, and C. Tong), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Volume 24(1), 2022, Pages 275-284.

  • A simplex method for countably-infinite linear programs, (with Archis Ghate and Robert L. Smith), SIAM Journal on Optimization. Volume 31(4), 2021, Pages 3157-3183.

  • Incentive design for operations-marketing multitasking, (with Tinglong Dai and Rongzhu Ke), Management Science. Volume 67(4), 2021, Pages 2211-2230.

  • Dual-based methods for solving infinite-horizon nonstationary deterministic dynamic programs, (with Robert L Smith), Mathematical Programming. Volume 187(1), 2021, Pages, 253-285.

  • The discrete moment problem with nonconvex shape constraints, (with Xi Chen, Simai He, Bo Jiang, and Teng Zhang), Operations Research. Volume 69(1), 2021 Pages 279-296.

  • A general solution method for moral hazard problems, (with Rongzhu Ke), Theoretical Economics, 2018. Volume 13(3), Pages 1425-1481.

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