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Charles Weinberg

Charles Weinberg

Charles Weinberg

ScB (Brown), MBA (Harvard), PhD (Columbia)
Professor of Marketing Emeritus
Marketing and Behavioural Science Division

Selected publications

  • Soleymanian, M., Zhu, T., and Weinberg, C., “The Value of Usage-Based Insurance beyond Better Targeting: Better Driving,” (2019) Marketing Science, 38(1), 21-43.
  • Huang, Z., Liang, Y., Weinberg, C., and Gorn, G. “Sleepy Consumers and Variety Seeking,” (2019) Journal of Marketing Research, 56(2), 179-196.
  • Ho, J., Liang, Y., Weinberg, C. and Yan, J., “Uniform and Differential Pricing in the Movie Industry: An Empirical Analysis, “ (2018), Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (3) 414–431.
  • Wu, C., Weinberg, C., Wang, Q, and Ho, J. (2022), "Administrative Trade Barrier: An Empirical Analysis of Exporting Hollywood Movies to China," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39 (4), 1253-1274
  • Kersti Krug and Charles B. Weinberg, "Mission • Money • Merit: Using the Portfolio Approach to Drive Nonprofit Performance," Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, Vol. 6: No 3-4 (2012), 151-326.  Click here to download the accompanying spreadsheet.

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