
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Barbara Spencer

Barbara Spencer

Barbara Spencer

BEc (A.N.U.), MEc (Monash), PhD (Carnegie-Mellon)
Asia Pacific Chair in International Trade Policy
Professor Emeritus, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • Brander, J.A., Spencer, B.J. (2015) "Intra-Industry Trade with Bertrand and Cournot Oligopoly: The Role of Endogenous Horizontal Product Differentiation", Research in Economics, forthcoming 2015
  • Feenstra, R., Hong, C., Ma, H., Spencer, B.J. (2013). "Contractual versus non-contractual trade: The role of institutions in China." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 94, October 2013, 281-294
  • Dimand, R., Spencer, B.J. (2009). "Trevor Swan and the Neoclassical Growth Model." History of Political Economy, 41 (annual sup), 107-126.  
  • Spencer, B.J. (2005). "International Outsourcing and Incomplete Contracts." Canadian Journal of Economics, 38(4), 1107-1135. 
  • Head, K., Ries, J., Spencer, B.J. (2004). "Vertical Networks and U.S. Auto Parts Exports: Is Japan Different?" Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 13 (1, Spring), 37-67.

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