
CANADIAN IMMIGRATION UPDATES: Applicants to Master’s and Doctoral degrees are not affected by the recently announced cap on study permits. Read more

Álvaro Parra

Alvaro Parra

Álvaro Parra

BA (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), MA PhD (Northwestern)
Assistant Professor, Strategy & Business Economics Division

Selected publications


  • Espin-Sanchez, José, Wang, Yuzhou and Parra, Álvaro (Forthcoming). "Equilibrium Uniqueness in Entry Games with Private Information." RAND Journal of Economics.
  • Parra, Álvaro ⓡ Marshall, Guillermo (Forthcoming). "Monopsony Power and Upstream Innovation." Journal of Industrial Economics.
  • Marshall, Guillermo, and Parra, Álvaro (April 2021). "Announcing High Prices to Deter Innovation." Management Science, Vol. 67, No. 4, 2448-2465
  • Parra, Álvaro (September 2019). "Sequential Innovation, Patent Policy, and the Dynamics of the Replacement Effect." RAND Journal of Economics, Vol 50 , No. 4, 568-590
  • Marshall, Guillermo, and Parra, Álvaro (July 2019). "Innovation and Competition: The Role of Product Market Competition." International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.65, 221-247


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